Elmira Chicken Fundraiser & Vulnerable Sector Changes, News (Blyth Junior Broomball)

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Oct 03, 2024 | Laura Jackson | 44 views
Elmira Chicken Fundraiser & Vulnerable Sector Changes
Please see below for updates on the Elmira Chicken Fundraiser as well as Vulnerable Sector Checks for coaches and bench staff. 

Elmira Chicken Fundraiser

Forms will be handed out this weekend (October 4th and 5th) to each player.

Please note you can pay by Cash, Cheques and E-Transfer.

Cheques can be made out to Blyth Junior Broomball

E-transfers are one E-transfer per order sheet (must be for the total balance). 

Orders are due back October 18th/19th

Pick-up is Saturday November 2 after 2 p.m.
Any questions, contact Barb Bos or Kendra Wilts

Vulnerable Sector Checks 

There is a new process to get a letter to send for your Vulnerable Sector Check. Please see the Vulnerable Sector page for instructions.

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