Silent Auction Donations - Please have by this weekend, News (Blyth Junior Broomball)

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Oct 29, 2024 | Laura Jackson | 29 views
Silent Auction Donations - Please have by this weekend
If you signed up for donating toward the silent auction, please have your donation at the arena this Friday or Saturday. 

Please leave items at the front table, clearly marked with your name. To make other arrangements please contact Hedwig Krueger (519-440-9029) or Ginni Buttar (519-955-3683)

Belgrave Kinsmen
Kin Canada is organized into eight Districts, each led by one or two District Governors elected annually by the members of each District. District One consists of 77 Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Clubs in Southern / Southwestern Ontario and is led by Governors Lori Schnarr and Paul Schnarr.
Blyth Legion
Canada’s largest Veteran support and community service organization The Royal Canadian Legion cares for all those who have served our nation. As members, we show our thanks by supporting and advocating for Veterans, by remembering their sacrifices, and by continuing the tradition of service in helping our communities.