Vulnerable Sector Checks (Blyth Junior Broomball)

PrintVulnerable Sector Checks
You need a VSC to be able to help volunteer with Blyth Jr Broomball, this includes, executive members, coach, assistant coach, trainer, manager or even just a helper with closing and opening doors for a team. As of June 2022 OPP detachments will no longer conduct VSC’s in person, you must now do these online. You just need proper ID and the VSC letter from your organization to download. Please use the links below to complete the process:

1) Print this letter. Circle COACH on the letter prior to submitting.


2) Apply for a Vulnerable Sector check online with the OPP

OPP Vulnerable Sector Check Online

3) Complete this form and submit your Vulnerable Sector check results and your completed form to Casey Boven (Blyth Junior Broomball President)

FBAO Vulnerable Sector Form